Swarovski Crystals / Crystal Pixie
CRYSTALPIXIE is a new product for nail application and is made up of tiny Swarovski Crystals, some round, some cut. Be it for an everyday occasion or a special event, try out CRYSTALPIXIE which brings unmatched Swarovski brilliance to your hands.
Each 5 gram bottle of CRYSTALPIXIE will last for approximately 25 nail applications.
Transparent acrylic bottle with 5 grams of CRYSTAL PIXIE.
30 Swarovski Flat Backs in 3 colors (on transfer foil).
Funnel (to pour back exceeding crystal).
Warning Leaflet.
Product Instruction & Application Leaflet.
Step-by-Step Application
Apply two base layers of nail polish.
Pour Swarovski Crystal Pixie over the wet nail polish.
Pixie will sink into the moist nail polish.
Gently press and compact the Pixie into the nail bed.
Scrape off the exceeding Pixie from the nail rim with the finger to obtain clean edges.
Let polish dry – Pixie will stick onto the nail polish.
Apply top coat to the edges of the Crystal Pixie decoration.
One bottle with 5 grams of Pixie lasts for more than 25 single nail decorations
Tips & Tricks for Application.
Make sure you hold the finger over a tray in order to catch all the exceeding Swarovski Crystal Pixie.
Use the funnel provided in the package to pour the exceeding Crystal Pixie back into the bottle.
In order to secure maximal brilliance of Crystal Pixie we recommend not to apply topcoat to the entire nail – apply top coat only to seal the edges and prevent erosion.
For creating patterns use adhesive tape as a stencil paint inside the stencil with colored or transparent nail polish and apply Pixie.
If your Pixie decoration gets damaged you can try to correct the by applying polish and Pixie only on the affected spot, rather than removing the entire design.